UMALIA is a Montréal based organization on a mission to create sustainable and positive business practices with a societal impact.

The challenge: the organization needed a re-alignment of its website content to make their super high quality content and valuable articles reach and speak to the leaders they work with. They wanted to reach more people, gain more traction in their field, and step up their communications game 5x.
Deliverables: Responsive Webflow Website
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A sample of the branding, colours, typeface, and logomark Patrick created for the project.

case study desktop mock-up

The new layout Patrick and I designed allowed the rich content the Umalia team produce and write to really shine here. The focus is on content, sharability, and clean systems that are easy to follow, read, and share.

case study desktop mock-up

The tablet and mobile designs are a super close match to the desktop version. My use of smart and responsive design developing meant the majority of the grids and content simply scale up and down with the width of the browser. The Umalia team did not want much variation between the breakpoints so Patrick and I were very careful to ensure the layouts we used we easy to scale, and of course easy on the eyes.

Made in Webflow